Molecular Generators

In this tutorial, we will finally focus on the central part of the GenUI platform. However, it is recommended that you still check the QSAR and Compounds tutorials first because we will expand upon some of the concepts presented there.

A lot of the most promising contemporary generators are based on generative deep neural networks, which are a modern class of machine learning algorithms. Therefore, in this tutorial we will mainly be concerned with the integration of such an approach. However, it should be noted that any generator can be added to the platform even if it is not strictly based on machine learning. You can skip to chapter Using the Trained Generator if your generator is not based on a machine learning algorithm or does not require training. However, you might still find Defining URLs, Defining Views and Models & Serializers useful if you are not familiar with Django and Django REST frameworks.

We will not describe the development of a generative extension in exhausting detail here, but you should regard this tutorial more as a case study which highlights important GenUI concepts and features. The subject of our case study will be the genui.generators.extensions.genuidrugex package, which integrates a deep learning generative algorithm called DrugEx. This approach is based on training a recurrent neural network with a reinforcement learning loop where a QSAR model provides the environment for the agent. It is implemented on top of the PyTorch machine learning library which can take advantage of GPU hardware. Therefore, DrugEx is a good non-trivial example of a contemporary molecular generator that might be of interest to users seeking to use the GenUI platform to discover new chemistry.

Just like any other extension, genuidrugex is also a Django application so it has all the expected modules and functionality that you are probably already familiar with if you read the previous tutorials. However, in order to achieve our goals, we will have to do a little bit more work and customization than we saw previously. Most of this work will focus on creating a customized model builder (see Implementing a Model Builder), which has a similar purpose as the instances of MolSetInitializer that we saw in Defining Compound Set Initializer. However, we will also learn more about other features of GenUI that we have not described, yet.

Defining URLs

We will take a look at the genuidrugex.urls module first since it clearly showcases the components of the extension that we will be dealing with in our case study. The file is not long so we can show it here:


Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 5/3/20, 6:51 PM
from django.urls import path, include
from rest_framework import routers

from genui.utils.extensions.tasks.views import ModelTasksView
from genui.models.views import ModelFileView, ModelPerformanceListView
from . import models
from . import views

router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'drugex/networks', views.DrugExNetViewSet, basename='drugex_net')
router.register(r'drugex/agents', views.DrugExAgentViewSet, basename='drugex_agent')
router.register(r'drugex/environments', views.EnvironmentViewSet, basename='drugex_env')

# scoring methods
router.register(r'drugex/scorers/methods/all', views.ScoringMethodViewSet, basename='drugex_scoremethods_all')
router.register(r'drugex/scorers/methods/genuimodels', views.QSARScorerViewSet, basename='drugex_scoremethods_genuimodels')
router.register(r'drugex/scorers/methods/properties', views.PropertyScorerViewSet, basename='drugex_scoremethods_properties')

# modifiers
router.register(r'drugex/scorers/modifiers/all', views.ModifierViewSet, basename='drugex_modifiers_all')
router.register(r'drugex/scorers/modifiers/clipped', views.ClippedViewSet, basename='drugex_modifiers_clipped')
router.register(r'drugex/scorers/modifiers/hump', views.HumpViewSet, basename='drugex_modifiers_hump')

# scorers
router.register(r'drugex/scorers', views.ScorerViewSet, basename='drugex_scorers')

# generators
router.register(r'drugex/generators', views.GeneratorViewSet, basename='drugex_generators')

routes = [
    # networks
    path('drugex/networks/<int:pk>/tasks/all/', ModelTasksView.as_view(model_class=models.DrugExNet))
    , path('drugex/networks/<int:pk>/tasks/started/', ModelTasksView.as_view(started_only=True, model_class=models.DrugExNet))
    , path('drugex/networks/<int:pk>/performance/', ModelPerformanceListView.as_view(), name="drugex_net_perf_view")
    , path('drugex/networks/<int:pk>/files/', ModelFileView.as_view(model_class=models.DrugExNet), name="drugex-net-model-files-list")
] + [
    # agents
    path('drugex/agents/<int:pk>/tasks/all/', ModelTasksView.as_view(model_class=models.DrugExAgent))
    , path('drugex/agents/<int:pk>/tasks/started/', ModelTasksView.as_view(started_only=True, model_class=models.DrugExAgent))
    , path('drugex/agents/<int:pk>/performance/', ModelPerformanceListView.as_view(), name="drugex_agent_perf_view")
    , path('drugex/agents/<int:pk>/files/', ModelFileView.as_view(model_class=models.DrugExAgent), name="drugex-agent-model-files-list")

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include(routes)),
    path('', include(router.urls)),

Before training the generator itself (the agent), the DrugEx approach requires that an exploration and exploitation networks are build first. That is why we see two viewsets (DrugExNetViewSet and DrugExAgentViewSet) registered for the router in the above code. Each viewset handles creation and training of either one of the networks or the agent itself.

The routes list is simply a list of URLs for API endpoints that we would like to have available under the root URLs /generators/drugex/networks/ and /generators/drugex/agents/. You can see that we are using some class views that come from the genui.models application:

  1. ModelTasksView: Shows all or only started and running asynchronous Celery tasks attached to an instance of Model (determined by the pk URL argument).

  2. ModelPerformanceListView: Shows machine learning model performance for a specified instance of Model. See Adding Performance Metrics for more info.

  3. ModelFileView: Model instances can have files attached to it. This endpoint handles them.

You do not have to have these views if you do not need them, but it is good to know about them so that you do not have to implement your own.

Defining Views

Lets take a closer look at DrugExNetViewSet and DrugExAgentViewSet in genuidrugex.views:

import traceback

from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework import viewsets, status
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
from rest_framework.response import Response

from genui import celery_app
from genui.accounts.serializers import FilterToUserMixIn
from genui.projects.serializers import FilterToProjectMixIn
from genui.utils.extensions.tasks.utils import runTask
from . import models
from . import serializers
from .genuimodels import builders
from .tasks import buildDrugExModel, calculateEnvironment
from genui.models.views import ModelViewSet

class DrugExNetViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExNet.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExNetSerializer
    init_serializer_class = serializers.DrugExNetInitSerializer
    builder_class = builders.DrugExNetBuilder
    build_task = buildDrugExModel

    def get_builder_kwargs(self):
        return {"model_class" : models.DrugExNet.__name__}

class DrugExAgentViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExAgent.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExAgentSerializer
    init_serializer_class = serializers.DrugExAgentInitSerializer
    builder_class = builders.DrugExAgentBuilder
    build_task = buildDrugExModel

    def get_builder_kwargs(self):
        return {"model_class" : models.DrugExAgent.__name__}

class EnvironmentViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExEnvironment.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExEnvironmentSerializer
    calculation_serializer_class = serializers.DrugExEnvironmentCalculationSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"

    @action(detail=True, methods=['post'])
    def calculate(self, request, pk=None):
        environment = self.queryset.get(pk=pk)
        serializer = self.get_serializer(
        if serializer.is_valid():
            data = serializer.validated_data
            task = None
                task, task_id = runTask(
                    eager=hasattr(settings, 'CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER') and settings.CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER,
                data["taskID"] = task_id
                return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
            except Exception as exp:
                if task and
                    celery_app.control.revoke(, terminate=True)
                return Response({"error" : repr(exp)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
            return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    def get_serializer_class(self):
        if self.action == 'calculate':
            return self.calculation_serializer_class
            return self.serializer_class

class ScoringMethodViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.ScoringMethod.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.ScoringFunctionSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"
    # http_method_names = ['get']

class QSARScorerViewSet(ScoringMethodViewSet):
    queryset = models.GenUIModelScorer.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.QSARScorerSerializer

class PropertyScorerViewSet(ScoringMethodViewSet):
    queryset = models.PropertyScorer.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.PropertyScorerSerializer

class ModifierViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.ScoreModifier.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.ModifierSerializer
    test_serializer_class = serializers.ModifierTestSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"
    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]

    @action(detail=False, methods=['post'])
    def test(self, request):
        modifier = self.queryset.model
        serializer = self.get_serializer(
        if serializer.is_valid():
            data = serializer.validated_data
            results = modifier.test(data['inputs'], **(data['params']))
            data["results"] = results
            return Response(data)
            return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    def get_serializer_class(self):
        if self.action == 'test':
            return self.test_serializer_class
            return self.serializer_class

class ClippedViewSet(ModifierViewSet):
    queryset = models.ClippedScore.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.ClippedSerializer

class HumpViewSet(ModifierViewSet):
    queryset = models.SmoothHump.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.SmoothHumpSerializer

class ScorerViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExScorer.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExScorerSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"

class GeneratorViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugEx.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExGeneratorSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"

GenUI already has a viewset defined for model creation, ModelViewSet. Actually, the same viewset is used for QSAR modelling as well (see genui.qsar.views) and it turns out that we do not actually need to modify it much. There is just a few class attributes that we have to set:

  1. queryset: Defines the objects shown in the list and their order.

  2. serializer_class and init_serializer_class: These are serializer classes used to represent and create new instances. They can be identical, but in the case of models they are often slightly different. Hence, the distinction and two parameters.

  3. builder_class: This is a specific attribute for models and is similar to the initializer_class found in genui.compounds (see Defining Compound Set Initializer). We will tak about in more detail later.

  4. build_task: We have a specific Celery task defined for DrugEx (buildDrugExModel() in genuidrugex.tasks). Mainly because this extension depends on GPU hardware and as such the build tasks should be submitted to the gpu queue, which should be consumed by workers with GPUs.

Models & Serializers

Since we are implementing a completely new kind of model, we have to define the models and serializers we will need. This part is very specific to the DrugEx extension, but there are a few model and serializer classes in the genui.models application that you should be aware of when attempting something similar.

Model Classes


A polymorphic model class used to save data about a machine learning model. In genuidrugex.models, we can add data that is saved to this class by creating a subclass. For example, the final DrugEx agent can be described like so:

class DrugExAgent(Model):
    environment = models.ForeignKey(QSARModel, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, related_name='drugexEnviron')
    explorationNet = models.ForeignKey(DrugExNet, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, related_name='drugexExplore')
    exploitationNet = models.ForeignKey(DrugExNet, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, related_name='drugexExploit')

    def getGenerator(self):
        return self.generator.all().get() if self.generator.all().exists() else None

Here we add foreign keys to the explorationNet and exploitationNet models (represented by DrugExNet, also a subclass of Model). We also add the environment, which is used for the policy gradient calculation in the reinforcement learning loop of the DrugEx algorithm. It is simply a given QSAR model, also defined as a subclass of Model (QSARModel).

TrainingStrategy and ValidationStrategy

When a model is created in GenUI several parameters have to be specified depending on whether the model is to be trained and validated by GenUI or imported from an external source. Two most important Model attributes are trainingStrategy and validationStrategy. These should point to database model instances of TrainingStrategy and ValidationStrategy.

TrainingStrategy contains data required for training of a model. Most importantly this is information about the algorithm used and the chosen training parameters, which are tied to this instance with the ModelParameterValue model.

On the other hand, ValidationStrategy defines how the model should be validated after it is trained. It holds information about the performance metrics that should be calculated during validation (see ModelPerformanceMetric).

Just like the Model class, TrainingStrategy and ValidationStrategy are polymorphic as well and you can add new information by subclassing them.

For example, BasicValidationStrategy saves information about the size of the external validation set chosen randomly from the training data (defined as a fraction of instances) and the number of folds in cross-validation. It is defined in genui.models.models as follows:

class CV(ValidationStrategy):
    cvFolds = models.IntegerField(blank=False)

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class ValidationSet(ValidationStrategy):
    validSetSize = models.FloatField(blank=False) # as

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class BasicValidationStrategy(ValidationSet, CV):

In the genuidrugex extension we have the following custom validation strategy:

class DrugExValidationStrategy(ValidationStrategy):
    validSetSize = models.IntegerField(default=512, null=True)

It simply defines the size of the test set that will be used to measure performance after processing one batch of data.

Serializer Classes

Classes defined in genuidrugex.serializers just describe how the models in genuidrugex.serializers are transformed to JSON format. This is a little bit more involved and you are encouraged to study the source code of this module more closely. We will just follow up on the example above and show how the serializer looks like for DrugExValidationStrategy:

class DrugExValidationStrategySerializer(ValidationStrategySerializer):
    This is used for GET requests to convert a DrugExValidationStrategy model
    to JSON.

    class Meta:
        model = models.DrugExValidationStrategy
        fields = ValidationStrategySerializer.Meta.fields + ("validSetSize",)

class DrugExValidationStrategyInitSerializer(DrugExValidationStrategySerializer):
    This is the serializer used for POST requests when creating a new instance of

    metrics = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(many=True, queryset=ModelPerformanceMetric.objects.all(), required=False)

    class Meta:
        model = models.DrugExValidationStrategy
        fields = DrugExValidationStrategySerializer.Meta.fields + ("validSetSize",)

Many serializers are already defined in genui.models.serializers for Model, TrainingStrategy, ValidationStrategy (ModelSerializer, TrainingStrategySerializer, ValidationStrategySerializer) and other classes related to machine learning models. You should always derive from these when building a customized model.

Implementing a Model Builder

Now it is time to cover the most essential attribute of ModelViewSet, builder_class. Each GenUI model needs a builder, which is initialized when the Celery build task is executed. QSAR models have their own builder (QSARModelBuilder) and chemical space maps are also models with their own MapBuilder. In this chapter, we will cover how builder can be implemented for a molecular generator.

Lets just briefly remind ourselves of the views we defined earlier:

import traceback

from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework import viewsets, status
from rest_framework.decorators import action
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAuthenticated
from rest_framework.response import Response

from genui import celery_app
from genui.accounts.serializers import FilterToUserMixIn
from genui.projects.serializers import FilterToProjectMixIn
from genui.utils.extensions.tasks.utils import runTask
from . import models
from . import serializers
from .genuimodels import builders
from .tasks import buildDrugExModel, calculateEnvironment
from genui.models.views import ModelViewSet

class DrugExNetViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExNet.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExNetSerializer
    init_serializer_class = serializers.DrugExNetInitSerializer
    builder_class = builders.DrugExNetBuilder
    build_task = buildDrugExModel

    def get_builder_kwargs(self):
        return {"model_class" : models.DrugExNet.__name__}

class DrugExAgentViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExAgent.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExAgentSerializer
    init_serializer_class = serializers.DrugExAgentInitSerializer
    builder_class = builders.DrugExAgentBuilder
    build_task = buildDrugExModel

    def get_builder_kwargs(self):
        return {"model_class" : models.DrugExAgent.__name__}

class EnvironmentViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExEnvironment.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExEnvironmentSerializer
    calculation_serializer_class = serializers.DrugExEnvironmentCalculationSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"

    @action(detail=True, methods=['post'])
    def calculate(self, request, pk=None):
        environment = self.queryset.get(pk=pk)
        serializer = self.get_serializer(
        if serializer.is_valid():
            data = serializer.validated_data
            task = None
                task, task_id = runTask(
                    eager=hasattr(settings, 'CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER') and settings.CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER,
                data["taskID"] = task_id
                return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
            except Exception as exp:
                if task and
                    celery_app.control.revoke(, terminate=True)
                return Response({"error" : repr(exp)}, status=status.HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
            return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    def get_serializer_class(self):
        if self.action == 'calculate':
            return self.calculation_serializer_class
            return self.serializer_class

class ScoringMethodViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.ScoringMethod.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.ScoringFunctionSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"
    # http_method_names = ['get']

class QSARScorerViewSet(ScoringMethodViewSet):
    queryset = models.GenUIModelScorer.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.QSARScorerSerializer

class PropertyScorerViewSet(ScoringMethodViewSet):
    queryset = models.PropertyScorer.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.PropertyScorerSerializer

class ModifierViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.ScoreModifier.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.ModifierSerializer
    test_serializer_class = serializers.ModifierTestSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"
    permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]

    @action(detail=False, methods=['post'])
    def test(self, request):
        modifier = self.queryset.model
        serializer = self.get_serializer(
        if serializer.is_valid():
            data = serializer.validated_data
            results = modifier.test(data['inputs'], **(data['params']))
            data["results"] = results
            return Response(data)
            return Response(serializer.errors, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

    def get_serializer_class(self):
        if self.action == 'test':
            return self.test_serializer_class
            return self.serializer_class

class ClippedViewSet(ModifierViewSet):
    queryset = models.ClippedScore.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.ClippedSerializer

class HumpViewSet(ModifierViewSet):
    queryset = models.SmoothHump.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.SmoothHumpSerializer

class ScorerViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugExScorer.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExScorerSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"

class GeneratorViewSet(FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    queryset = models.DrugEx.objects.order_by('-created')
    serializer_class = serializers.DrugExGeneratorSerializer
    owner_relation = "project__owner"

In this code, we should now understand everything except the builder_class and build_task attributes and the get_builder_kwargs() method.

When the create view of the DrugExNetViewSet or DrugExAgentViewSet receives a POST request with data defining a new DrugEx model, the POST data is validated according to the appropriate serializers and the create method of DrugExNetInitSerializer or DrugExAgentInitSerializer is called. This method is responsible for the creation of a new DrugExNet or DrugExAgent instance from the supplied data. An asynchronous Celery task (buildDrugExModel() defined in genuidrugex.tasks) is then added to queue and passed the ID of the created instance. The fully qualified name of the builder class and the model class (as specified by the get_builder_kwargs() method of ModelViewSet) are passed as well.

We can look at the code of buildDrugExModel() to explain what happens once the task is eligible for execution by a Celery worker:


Created by: Martin Sicho
On: 28-01-20, 13:52
from celery import shared_task

from genui.compounds.models import MolSet, ActivityTypes, Activity
from genui.utils.extensions.tasks.progress import ProgressRecorder
from genui.utils.inspection import getObjectAndModuleFromFullName

from . import models
from .models import DrugExEnvironment, DrugExEnvironmentScores
from .torchutils import cleanup

@shared_task(name="BuildDrugExModel", bind=True, queue='gpu')
def buildDrugExModel(self, model_id, builder_class, model_class):
    # get the builder
    model_class = getattr(models, model_class)
    instance = model_class.objects.get(pk=model_id)
    builder_class = getObjectAndModuleFromFullName(builder_class)[0]
    recorder = ProgressRecorder(self)
    if hasattr(instance, 'parent'):
        builder = builder_class(
        builder = builder_class(

    # build the model
    except Exception as exp:
        raise exp

    return {
        "errors" : [repr(x) for x in builder.errors],
        "DrExModelName" :,
        "DrExModelID" :,

@shared_task(name="calculateEnvironment", bind=True)
def calculateEnvironment(self, environment_id, molsets_ids, use_modifiers):
    environment = DrugExEnvironment.objects.get(pk=environment_id)
    instance = environment.getInstance(use_modifiers=use_modifiers)
    activity_sets = []
    for molset_id in molsets_ids:
        molset = MolSet.objects.get(pk=molset_id)
        molecules = molset.molecules.all()
        scores = instance(molset.allSmiles)
        assert len(scores) == len(molecules)
        activity_set = DrugExEnvironmentScores(
            name=f"{} ({})",
            description=f"Activity set created from DrugEx environment: {} for compound set: {}."

        drops = ['VALID']
        if not use_modifiers:
        scores.drop(drops, axis=1, inplace=True)
        columns = scores.columns
        for idx, row in scores.iterrows():
            molecule = molecules[idx]
            for col in columns:
                value = row[col]
                if value:
                    atype = ActivityTypes.objects.get_or_create(value=f"{}_{col}{'_MOD' if use_modifiers else ''}")[0]

                    activity = Activity(

    return {
        "environment" :,
        "activitySets" : activity_sets,

Once the task is eligible for execution, the function above is executed on the worker and the information outlined above is passed to it as parameters. You should always make sure that whatever information you pass from get_builder_kwargs() is serializable as JSON because that is how this information is passed from the server to the worker.


We also specify gpu as the queue for this task. This indicates that this task prefers to be executed on a worker node with access to GPUs.

Therefore, looking at the code above this is roughly what happens on the worker:

  1. We import the model class from genuidrugex.models.

  2. We use getObjectAndModuleFromFullName() from genui.utils.inspection to import the correct builder.

  3. We create an instance of the correct builder (DrugExNetBuilder or DrugExAgentBuilder).

  4. We run the build method of the builder to build the model.

Therefore, in order to build models we have to implement a builder, which means subclassing the ModelBuilder abstract class and adding the necessary methods. You can find the DrugEx model builders in, which is a standard location recognized by genuisetup. You should always define your builders in {your_extension}

Note that there are a few mix-in classes defined in genui.models.genuimodels.bases that you can take advantage of when creating your own model builders. For example, in the DrugEx extension we use ProgressMixIn that adds methods and attributes to record task progress stages more easily.

The purpose of a model builder is to prepare model training data with the getX() and getY() methods. Values returned by these methods are then fed to the implementation of fit() of an Algorithm instance (accessible from the model attribute of ModelBuilder). This is exactly what the reference implementation of build() in ModelBuilder does:

def build(self) -> models.Model:
    Build method of the ModelBuilder abstract class.
    """, self.getY())
    self.saveFile() # calls self.model.serialize(path_to_model_snapshot)
    return self.instance

In the case of BasicQSARModelBuilder, getX() returns the matrix of descriptor values for each compound and getY() returns the class labels. In the DrugEx extension, we return the parsed data set corpus from getX().

Also note the saveFile method of the builder. This ensures that the fitted model is serialized on disk after training. Each subclass of Algorithm is responsible for implementing the correct serialize() method so that a proper save file can be generated.

You can see the defined DrugEx algorithms by exploring the genuidrugex.genuimodels.algorithms module. You will notice that the algorithms implement a few more methods in addition to those described in our discussion of QSAR model algorithms (see QSAR). We have to define new file formats for model serialization with the DrugExAlgorithm.getFileFormats() method, make sure that our algorithm lists only as a generator by providing the correct mode with DrugExAlgorithm.getModes() and we also have to provide a new serializer and deserializer (DrugExAlgorithm.getSerializer() and DrugExAlgorithm.getDeserializer()) for the state of the model (used by Algorithm.serialize()).

Using the Trained Generator

So far we have described a possible implementation of a machine learning based generator on the example of the DrugEx extension, but we have not yet described how to use the trained generator for the creation of new compound sets. You might have noticed the definition of the DrugEx class in genuidrugex.models:

class DrugEx(Generator):
    agent = models.ForeignKey(Model, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=False, related_name="generator")

    def get(self, n_samples):
        import as builders
        builder_class = getattr(builders,
        builder = builder_class(Model.objects.get(
        samples, valids = builder.sample(n_samples)
        return [x for idx, x in enumerate(samples) if bool(valids[idx])]

We have not discussed this Django model yet because it is not central to our discussion of training and saving the DrugEx networks, but an instance of this class is created whenever an instance of DrugExNet or DrugExAgent is saved and in fact it is all we need to register a new generator with GenUI and generate new compounds with it.

Looking at the implementation above, we see that the definition of a generator in GenUI is quite general and straightforward. It is simply any instance of the Generator class. It should always implement the get() method which takes only one argument, the maximum number of compounds to generate. In the case of DrugEx, the implementation of get() we see above is only a question of importing the correct DrugEx builder, which we equipped with the sample() method that can use the trained neural network to generate compounds.

After implementing your Generator Django model, you should be able to see it as an option when creating new compound sets with the API endpoints of the genui.compounds.extensions.generated extension. Note that this is really all you need to define a generator and if you do not require to train a machine learning model, your Django application could be really simple and reduced to just implementing this Django model, creating an appropriate serializer and hooking it up with a simple Django REST Framework view or viewset.


This was a short tour through how the genuidrugex extension was created and hopefully it is a bit more clear how you can integrate your own generator in GenUI. The genui.models package has much more interesting features than covered here so you are encouraged to check its own documentation pages for some guidance on how to implement the functionality that you want.