genui.models package



genui.models.admin module

class genui.models.admin.ModelAdmin(model, admin_site)[source]

Bases: ModelAdmin

property media

genui.models.apps module

class genui.models.apps.ModelsConfig(app_name, app_module)[source]

Bases: AppConfig

name = 'genui.models'

Override this method in subclasses to run code when Django starts.

genui.models.genuisetup module


Created by: Martin Sicho On: 4/28/20, 4:43 PM

genui.models.genuisetup.setup(*args, **kwargs)[source]

genui.models.helpers module


Created by: Martin Sicho On: 30-01-20, 13:29

genui.models.helpers.createDefaultModels(project, app)[source]
genui.models.helpers.discoverGenuiModels(container, core_package='genuimodels', modules=('algorithms', 'builders', 'metrics'), force=False, additional_bases=())[source]

genui.models.models module

class genui.models.models.Algorithm(id, corePackage, name)[source]

Bases: ImportableModelComponent

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class genui.models.models.AlgorithmMode(id, name)[source]

Bases: Model

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class genui.models.models.BasicValidationStrategy(id, polymorphic_ctype, modelInstance, validationstrategy_ptr, cvFolds, validSetSize)[source]

Bases: ValidationSet, CV

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

class genui.models.models.CV(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ValidationStrategy

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

abstract = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

class genui.models.models.ImportableModelComponent(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

abstract = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.Model(id, polymorphic_ctype, name, description, created, updated, project, builder)[source]

Bases: TaskShortcutsMixIn, TaskMixin, DataSet

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

get_next_by_created(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: created>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_next_by_updated(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: updated>, is_next=True, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_created(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: created>, is_next=False, **kwargs)
get_previous_by_updated(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.DateTimeField: updated>, is_next=False, **kwargs)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.

property modelFile

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <genui.utils.extensions.tasks.models.PolymorphicTaskManager object>
onFileSave(saved: ModelFile)[source]

This will be called when a file is being saved to this model instance. You can throw the ModelFile.Rejected exception if the file is invalid.





Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


The model field that stores the ContentType reference to the actual class.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the one-to-many relation created by GenericRelation.

In the example:

class Post(Model):
    comments = GenericRelation(Comment)

post.comments is a ReverseGenericManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

property trainingStrategy

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

property validationStrategy
class genui.models.models.ModelBuilder(id, corePackage, name)[source]

Bases: ImportableModelComponent

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class genui.models.models.ModelFile(id, modelInstance, kind, note, format, file)[source]

Bases: Model

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception InvalidFileFormatError(msg)[source]

Bases: Exception

KINDS = [('main', 'Main'), ('aux', 'Auxiliary')]
MAIN = 'main'
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned

exception Rejected(msg)[source]

Bases: Exception

static create(model, name, file_, kind='aux', note=None)[source]

The descriptor for the file attribute on the model instance. Return a FieldFile when accessed so you can write code like:

>>> from myapp.models import MyModel
>>> instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=1)
>>> instance.file.size

Assign a file object on assignment so you can do:

>>> with open('/path/to/') as f:
...     instance.file = File(f)

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.

static generateAuxFileName(model, fileFormat)[source]
static generateMainFileName(model, fileFormat)[source]
get_kind_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.CharField: kind>)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
property path
class genui.models.models.ModelFileFormat(id, fileExtension, description)[source]

Bases: Model

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class genui.models.models.ModelParameter(id, name, algorithm, contentType, defaultValue)[source]

Bases: Model

BOOL = 'bool'
CONTENT_TYPES = [('string', 'String'), ('bool', 'Logical'), ('integer', 'Integer'), ('float', 'Float')]
exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

FLOAT = 'float'
INTEGER = 'integer'
exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned

STRING = 'string'

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.

get_contentType_display(*, field=<django.db.models.fields.CharField: contentType>)

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>
class genui.models.models.ModelParameterBool(id, polymorphic_ctype, parameter, strategy, modelparametervalue_ptr, value)[source]

Bases: ModelParameterValue

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

static parseValue(val)[source]
polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.ModelParameterFloat(id, polymorphic_ctype, parameter, strategy, modelparametervalue_ptr, value)[source]

Bases: ModelParameterValue

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

static parseValue(val)[source]
polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.ModelParameterInt(id, polymorphic_ctype, parameter, strategy, modelparametervalue_ptr, value)[source]

Bases: ModelParameterValue

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

static parseValue(val)[source]
polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.ModelParameterStr(id, polymorphic_ctype, parameter, strategy, modelparametervalue_ptr, value)[source]

Bases: ModelParameterValue

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.ModelParameterValue(id, polymorphic_ctype, parameter, strategy)[source]

Bases: PolymorphicModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.

static parseValue(val)[source]

The model field that stores the ContentType reference to the actual class.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.

class genui.models.models.ModelPerfomanceNN(id, polymorphic_ctype, metric, value, model, modelperformance_ptr, epoch, step)[source]

Bases: ModelPerformance

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.ModelPerformance(id, polymorphic_ctype, metric, value, model)[source]

Bases: PolymorphicModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


The model field that stores the ContentType reference to the actual class.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

class genui.models.models.ModelPerformanceCV(id, polymorphic_ctype, metric, value, model, modelperformance_ptr, fold)[source]

Bases: ModelPerformance

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False
class genui.models.models.ModelPerformanceMetric(id, corePackage, name, description)[source]

Bases: ImportableModelComponent

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.

objects = <django.db.models.manager.Manager object>

Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.

class genui.models.models.ROCCurvePoint(id, polymorphic_ctype, metric, value, model, modelperformance_ptr, fpr, auc)[source]

Bases: ModelPerformance

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False
property tpr
class genui.models.models.TrainingStrategy(id, polymorphic_ctype, algorithm, mode, modelInstance)[source]

Bases: PolymorphicModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the reverse side of a many-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Parent.children is a ReverseManyToOneDescriptor instance.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


The model field that stores the ContentType reference to the actual class.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.

class genui.models.models.ValidationSet(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ValidationStrategy

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

abstract = False
polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ForwardOneToOneDescriptor instance.

class genui.models.models.ValidationStrategy(id, polymorphic_ctype, modelInstance)[source]

Bases: PolymorphicModel

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: ObjectDoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: MultipleObjectsReturned


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


Accessor to the related object on the reverse side of a one-to-one relation.

In the example:

class Restaurant(Model):
    place = OneToOneField(Place, related_name='restaurant') is a ReverseOneToOneDescriptor instance.


A wrapper for a deferred-loading field. When the value is read from this object the first time, the query is executed.


Accessor to the related objects manager on the forward and reverse sides of a many-to-many relation.

In the example:

class Pizza(Model):
    toppings = ManyToManyField(Topping, related_name='pizzas')

Pizza.toppings and Topping.pizzas are ManyToManyDescriptor instances.

Most of the implementation is delegated to a dynamically defined manager class built by create_forward_many_to_many_manager() defined below.


Accessor to the related object on the forward side of a many-to-one or one-to-one (via ForwardOneToOneDescriptor subclass) relation.

In the example:

class Child(Model):
    parent = ForeignKey(Parent, related_name='children')

Child.parent is a ForwardManyToOneDescriptor instance.


The model field that stores the ContentType reference to the actual class.

polymorphic_primary_key_name = 'id'
polymorphic_super_sub_accessors_replaced = False

genui.models.serializers module


Created by: Martin Sicho On: 24-01-20, 14:44

class genui.models.serializers.AlgorithmModeSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name')

alias of AlgorithmMode

class genui.models.serializers.AlgorithmSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'fileFormats', 'parameters', 'validModes')

alias of Algorithm

class genui.models.serializers.BasicValidationStrategyInitSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ValidationStrategySerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('metrics', 'cvFolds', 'validSetSize')

alias of BasicValidationStrategy

class genui.models.serializers.BasicValidationStrategySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BasicValidationStrategyInitSerializer

class genui.models.serializers.ModelFileFormatSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'fileExtension', 'description')

alias of ModelFileFormat

class genui.models.serializers.ModelFileSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'file', 'format', 'kind', 'model', 'note')

alias of ModelFile

read_only_fields = ('id', 'format')

We have a bit of extra checking around this in order to provide descriptive messages when something goes wrong, but this method is essentially just:

return ExampleModel.objects.create(**validated_data)

If there are many to many fields present on the instance then they cannot be set until the model is instantiated, in which case the implementation is like so:

example_relationship = validated_data.pop(‘example_relationship’) instance = ExampleModel.objects.create(**validated_data) instance.example_relationship = example_relationship return instance

The default implementation also does not handle nested relationships. If you want to support writable nested relationships you’ll need to write an explicit .create() method.

class genui.models.serializers.ModelParameterSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'contentType', 'defaultValue')

alias of ModelParameter

read_only_fields = ('defaultValue',)
class genui.models.serializers.ModelParameterValueSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'parameter', 'value')

alias of ModelParameterValue

class genui.models.serializers.ModelPerformanceMetricSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'validAlgorithms', 'validModes')

alias of ModelPerformanceMetric

class genui.models.serializers.ModelPerformanceSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: GenericModelSerializerMixIn, HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'value', 'metric', 'className', 'extraArgs')

alias of ModelPerformance

class genui.models.serializers.ModelSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('id', 'name', 'description', 'created', 'updated', 'project', 'trainingStrategy', 'validationStrategy', 'modelFile', 'build', 'taskID')

alias of Model

read_only_fields = ('id', 'created', 'updated', 'modelFile', 'taskID')
create(validated_data, **kwargs)[source]

We have a bit of extra checking around this in order to provide descriptive messages when something goes wrong, but this method is essentially just:

return ExampleModel.objects.create(**validated_data)

If there are many to many fields present on the instance then they cannot be set until the model is instantiated, in which case the implementation is like so:

example_relationship = validated_data.pop(‘example_relationship’) instance = ExampleModel.objects.create(**validated_data) instance.example_relationship = example_relationship return instance

The default implementation also does not handle nested relationships. If you want to support writable nested relationships you’ll need to write an explicit .create() method.

static saveParameters(strat_instance: TrainingStrategy, strat_data)[source]
class genui.models.serializers.TrainingStrategyInitSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: TrainingStrategySerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('algorithm', 'mode', 'parameters')

alias of TrainingStrategy

class genui.models.serializers.TrainingStrategySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('algorithm', 'mode', 'parameters')

alias of TrainingStrategy

class genui.models.serializers.ValidationStrategyInitSerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ValidationStrategySerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('metrics',)

alias of ValidationStrategy

class genui.models.serializers.ValidationStrategySerializer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: HyperlinkedModelSerializer

class Meta[source]

Bases: object

fields = ('metrics',)

alias of ValidationStrategy

genui.models.signals module


Created by: Martin Sicho On: 17-01-20, 10:13

genui.models.signals.delete_model_remove_files(sender, instance, using, **kwargs)[source]
genui.models.signals.save_model_checks(sender, instance, using, **kwargs)[source]
genui.models.signals.save_model_file_callback(sender, instance, using, **kwargs)[source]

genui.models.tests module

genui.models.urls module


Created by: Martin Sicho On: 5/3/20, 6:13 PM

genui.models.views module

class genui.models.views.AlgorithmViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, GenericViewSet


alias of AlgorithmSerializer

class genui.models.views.BuildMixIn[source]

Bases: object

build_task = None
builder_class = None
init_serializer_class = None
class genui.models.views.FilterToModelMixin[source]

Bases: object

lookup_field = 'model'
model_class = None
class genui.models.views.MetricsViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ListModelMixin, RetrieveModelMixin, GenericViewSet


alias of ModelPerformanceMetricSerializer

class genui.models.views.ModelFileView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: FilterToModelMixin, FilterToUserMixIn, ListCreateAPIView

create(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
lookup_field = 'modelInstance'
owner_relation = 'modelInstance__project__owner'
parser_classes = (<class 'rest_framework.parsers.MultiPartParser'>,)

alias of ModelFileSerializer

class genui.models.views.ModelPerformanceListView(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: FilterToModelMixin, FilterToUserMixIn, ListAPIView

owner_relation = 'model__project__owner'

alias of PerformancePagination


alias of ModelPerformanceSerializer

class genui.models.views.ModelViewSet(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: FilterToProjectMixIn, FilterToUserMixIn, BuildMixIn, ModelViewSet

create(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
list(request, *args, **kwargs)[source]
owner_relation = 'project__owner'
project_id_param = {'description': 'ID of a project to limit the list of results to.', 'in': 'query', 'name': 'project_id', 'type': 'number'}
class genui.models.views.PerformancePagination[source]

Bases: GenuiPagination

page_size = 10
class genui.models.views.PredictMixIn[source]

Bases: object

predict_task = None

Module contents