Chemical Space Maps

The last, but one of the most important features of GenUI, is chemical space visualization. The genui.maps application is responsible for generating 2D representations of compound sets. In GenUI we call these representations chemical space maps and their calculations is handled in a similar fashion as QSAR models. The only difference between generating a chemical space map and a QSAR model is that QSAR models map the data matrix X onto a single array of activity values whereas in the case of a chemical space map the algorithm is projecting onto a 2D matrix of values.

In this tutorial, we will further extend the qsarextra package we have created before (see QSAR) so make sure to review that part of the tutorial before continuing. All we need to do is to define a new algorithm in the qsarextra.genuimodels.algorithms module where we already defined the SVM machine learning algorithm. However, instead of directly subclassing Algorithm, we subclass the MapAlgorithm. A simple class implementing all necessary methods could look like this:

class MyMap(MapAlgorithm):
    name = 'MyMap'

    def getPoints(self, mols, X) -> [Point]:

    def model(self):
        return self._model

    def fit(self, X: DataFrame, y = None):

    def predict(self, X: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:

You can see that the difference between Algorithm and MapAlgorithm is that MapAlgorithm defines the getPoints() method and the return value from predict() is not a Series, but a DataFrame hinting at the fact that it is a matrix. We will get to the getPoints() method shortly, but lets show a real world example first. With the help of the scikit-learn library, we can implement a simple PCA transformation like so:

class PCA(MapAlgorithm):
    An example integration of Principle Component Analysis (PCA).

    name = 'PCA'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # initialize scikit-learn components
        from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
        self._model = PCA(n_components=2)
        from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
        self.scaler = StandardScaler()

    def getPoints(self, mols, X) -> [Point]:
        Converts given molecules to points represented
        as the `Point` Django model class.

            The molecules to convert represented by their respective Django model class (all classes or subclasses of `Molecule`). Should have n_mols items.
            The data matrix of shape [n_mols,n_descriptors].

        points : list
            A list of points in the 2D map represented as `Point` instances.

        transformed_data = self.predict(X)
        points = []
        for idx, mol in enumerate(mols):
            x = transformed_data[idx, 0]
            y = transformed_data[idx, 1]
            point = Point.objects.create(
                # we can get the map being built from our model builder

        return points

    def model(self):
        return self._model

    def fit(self, X: DataFrame, y = None):
        Fit the transformation on data X.

            The data matrix [n_mols,n_descriptors]. The size and values depend on the chosen set of descriptors.
            Not used in maps.


    def predict(self, X: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
        Transform given data.

            The data matrix [n_mols,n_descriptors]. The size and values depend on the chosen set of descriptors.

            2D representation of X [n_mols, 2].

        return self.model.transform(self.scale(X))

    def scale(self, X) -> DataFrame:
        Scale the data matrix (this is required for PCA). Convert
        each variable to a distribution with zero mean and unit variance.

            The data matrix [n_mols,n_descriptors]. The size and values depend on the chosen set of descriptors.

            Scaled matrix of the same shape as X [n_mols,n_descriptors].

        return self.scaler.fit_transform(X)

Without docstrings and comments this class would be quite short. When a new map is created, a MapBuilder instance is initialized inside the Celery task, just like it happens with QSARModelBuilder. The map builder is not much different from the QSAR model builder:

  1. The MapBuilder calls the fit() method of MapAlgorithm and supplies the appropriate data matrix of descriptors calculated for compounds in the chosen compound sets.

  2. The builder calls the getPoints() method with the same matrix X as fit(). The getPoints() method is similar to predict(), but instead of returning a 2D matrix representation of the chemical space map, it creates entries in the database that represent the transformed data as instances of Point.

  3. Finally, the builder calls the saveChemSpaceJSON method on the Map instance sothat it can be visualized with ChemSpaceJS. We do not need to care much for this step, but it is good to know about it since the generated JSON file is a fast way to display our map on web pages.