Deploying a Docker Image

Likely the easiest way to deploy a production version of the GenUI application is with the help of Docker images. You can build your own with the GenUI frontend and backend source code or you can use our Docker images on Docker Hub. The process of deploying and building GenUI Docker images is described and implemented in a separate repository where you will also find a more detailed overview. However, if you just want to deploy a quick testing instance of the GenUI app on your local machine, here is a short example:

# clone the repository
git clone
cd genui-docker

# get the images
docker pull sichom/genui-main
docker pull sichom/genui-gpuworker
# docker pull sichom/genui-worker # if you do not have an NVIDIA GPU

# deploy
GENUI_HOST=localhost \
GENUI_BACKEND_SECRET=`cat django_secret_example` \
docker-compose -f docker-compose-main.yml -f docker-compose-gpuworker.yml up
# docker-compose -f docker-compose-main.yml -f docker-compose-worker.yml up # if you do not have an NVIDIA GPU